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Your Personal Privacy Policy

Session 4
Adam Rosenzweig; Bill Fitzgerald — Beyond 12 (Adam); Common Sense Media (Bill)

Privacy is relative. As our world becomes increasingly digitized and monitored, our attitudes toward privacy should evolve beyond just app settings and encryption. We can’t make the best choices for ourselves or our kids if we haven’t thought about what privacy really means to us.

Most privacy conversations are framed by compliance and focus on technical solutions. This conversation takes a different, more fundamental approach: regardless of current regulations and technology, what do we want to keep private and why? This essential question transcends hollow concepts like “personally identifiable information” to explore more meaningful beliefs along the spectrum of “informational intimacy.”

Learning how to manage your “personal privacy policy” will empower educators, administrators, parents, and product-makers to approach practical issues of compliance and technology more thoughtfully and proactively.

Conversational Practice

Warm-up (15 minutes) - Individual reflection on the guiding question: what does privacy mean to you? (5 minutes) - Facilitated debrief: participants are asked to share their reflections with the group; presenters will create a shared record on the board (10 minutes).

Small group discussion (25 minutes) - Presenters will frame a conversation by sharing some perspectives on the guiding question as well as a tool: the personal privacy policy matrix (10 minutes). - In groups of 3 or 4, participants will explore and discuss the matrix. Presenters will suggest critical questions.

Documentation and co-creation (20 minutes) - The matrix will be an open Google Sheet. Presenters will facilitate an amendment process to the matrix based on input from participants. - Participants will be encouraged to make a copy for their personal customization and use within their family, classroom, school, etc.

At the end of the session, the facilitators will co-author a blog post outlining the process and the documentation behind creating a personal privacy policy. The goal of the session is to create a toolkit that supports teachers and students with a practical, realistic framework they can use to both understand privacy on a personal level, and better safeguard their own privacy, and the privacy of their friends.

All material from this session will be released under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license.

Presenter Profiles

Adam Rosenzweig
Adam Rosenzweig
Beyond 12


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